If there was a magic pill you could take and your business was magically built for you, would you take it? Who wouldn't right. Well that's not going to happen because no one really financially cares if you succeed. Sure they say they want you to, but if you're dead weight under them they are just going to sponsor around you.
Now, I know you don't mean to be dead weight and that if you only KNEW what to do you would do it... am I hitting any bells yet?
In today's world, we are surrounded by the fast action pace of life.. one minute it's there and the next minute it's gone.. constantly we feel we have to make it and we have to make it on our OWN. And that's why you're not successful. Do I have your attention yet?
Every single day we are force fed a sour pill that tells us we must grow up and be and do more. Striving to keep up with the Jones and keep a sane head on our shoulders at the same time.
Why is it so difficult to get ahead? How come so many people join anything they want with effortless ease and just blow everyone else away like a baseball championship between the majors and little leagers.. it's simple they get IT. They understand that time is our most precious asset.
It doesn't matter how many dollars you have at the end of the day if you've been working 18 of them to get ahead and the other 6 are spent sleeping and eating.
Are you starting to see the lie you've been fed?
A constant belief that we are an "island" is causing us to not see the big picture for what it is. People matter. We have nice shiney things all around us, but if you had every thing you ever wanted and no one to share it with.. would you really have anything at all?
Big business is slowly squeezing us out.. they have bigger budgets, they have higher payrolls, we as one person can not possibly be able to compete. Ever changing methods and tactics change the horizon of business on almost a daily basis. How many hats can one person wear before they forget they have no hair?
And that my friend is why our team was born. We are the great equalizer.. we get IT. We understand that life is not something to be chased after, but to be lived. It's not about how successful we are, but how many people become successful because of us. We understand that the life of an island causes us to live fast paced and relatively uneventful lives as we try to focus on things that don't matter to us and we were not made to do..
Holding hands together we do not have anymore of an inkling of what the future may hold. We do not know if tomorrow will bring tidings of joy or perhaps something worse, but what we do know is together we are stonger.
Together we will be able to focus on the things that we care about and are our strenghs. Together we walk into the future not as islands, but as a team. A team prepared to what it takes to make a difference in this world. And we are looking for you.
You may not know what your talent is or your "speciality" but we know that you have one deep inside you. Locked away ready to be freed. Something that drives you and keeps you going when the lights are out and no one is watching. It is that part of you that we are talking to now.
I know what your schedule is like and how hard it is to even put food on the table. We do not diminish those things. They are the stuff life is made of. We ask you to volunteer your time - whatever small contribution you may give to the team as whole. We are breaking records and building so fast, but we are missing something. The team is lacking one vital area: you. Please reply if you can give just a little bit of your time.
The team needs you. The world needs you. Join hands with us and let us change the world together - as a team the way we were made to be.

1 comment:
Great Article! Great start on your Blog! Isn't CTWT great. Keep Posting!
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