Having been in the network marketing industry for 12 years, there are a number of things about what we're doing with our team that makes us stand out from other opportunities you may have been associated with in the past.
In almost every network marketing opportunity, there is going to be a distibutor fee to get involved. I've seen these fees range anywhere from $25-$3,000 depending on what kind of product that company is offering.
Next whoever your sponsor may be, they're going to tell you that you need to order your product, purchase a replicated website, order business cards, purchase company brochures or CD's to hand out, then order a bunch of cold market leads, and wish you luck.
I've talked to so many people who have said I never got any help from my sponsor. So here you go eager to learn so you'll order your product, get your $19.95 a month website, spend $20 on business cards, $100 on brochures, samples, or CD's to hand out to all the wrong people, then order a list of leads from .30 a lead to $4.
There's alot of truth in the saying only suckers buy leads because the only one who gets any results from leads are the companies who are selling them.
So what is it about what we're doing with changing the world together that makes us so different then other companies? Well first of all, you may find a sponsor who will help a couple of people get started, but I've never seen anyone step up to the plate like our investor has, and said I believe in what we're doing so much, that I'm willing to help 250 people or more get started, and while he may be the only investor we have at the moment, he's not the only one who has expressed an interest in investing in our team.
Sometimes it's all about timing and with investors, they have to sometimes wait on some investments to come through.
The next thing that makes us stand out is that we're building this business from a team standpoint. In watching how this industry works for the past 12 years, I've never seen a business where a group of people come together like our team has done and has asked how they can help.
We have people who have offered to help people get onto the social site. We've had people offer to help with the enrollment process and getting people signed up. We have members on our team who have technical skills with being able to drive traffic to our site, help automate the process to simplify everything to make our business simple and duplicatable. We have people on our team that have lists of people anywhere from 200 people to over 10,000 people.
Where have you ever joined a team where the list of people come into a database and they're strategically placed in such a way to help you promote quickly, and position you to where you're maximizing your income potential?
I have met most of Xango's top money earners and the one thing they have always told me is "Rick, group volume will never be the issue in building your business, it's the structure that has to be in tact for people to reach the top. We have started the structure, and while the process may not be going as fast as many of you would like it to, we have to keep in mind that we've only been signing up people for 2 weeks now, and we haven't even started driving traffic to our site yet.
Have you ever been in a network marketing opportunity where you had a team leader who was willing to invest back into the team, in an effort to help each person grow their business so they can reach their goals?
My product invention is moving right along, and I was told by my director yesterday that they've made a video featuring my product so they can present this product to the first company in Canada that they've selected to manufacture it.
Their goal is to get a license agreement and while I can't tell anyone exactly what it is because I'm under confidentiality agreements, I can say it is a product that will be marketed worldwide, and it is a product that once it hits the market, will be a 7 figure income earner, possibly several times over. Once again it's about timing.
Do you know anyone who would invent a product and then invest their royalties into a business where it will help others reach their own goals? Most top money earners in network marketing companies are very greedy, stingy, and have Egos's the size of Montana. They want you to crawl and scrape your way to the top the hard way like they had to.
Next have you ever been involved with a network marketing opportunity where they had a goal to set up a foundation to help those who are less fortunate or maybe have hit a rough patch in their life? I haven't.
Have you ever seen a place where everyone on the team could contribute to a team fund to help raise the financial resources to help people get on their product to where they could start earning a commission check? We have that feature with our chipin donation widget on the main page of our social site. There's alot of people who can't afford the autoship, but a $10, $20, $50, or $100 donation from those people who have already been signed up will go a long way in helping put people on the road to getting paid.
The bigger commission checks get, the more generous our team can be with helping new people get started right away on the product and what happens to this teams business when we have a surplus to work with and we can sign up hundreds of people at a time, straight on auto ship to where monthly residuals jump through the roof.
I heard a few team members say over the past week "if you build it they will come." Over 450,000 people a week search for a home based business. We can put ourselves in the drivers seat to attract a number of those people by building a business where our team helps each other.
It truly is about people helping people. Our team currently has members on board already who represent Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Malaysia, Philippines, Canada, Ireland, the UK, and over 35 states.
Where have you ever began a network marketing business where you have people on your team who represent a vast area of the world within the first 2 weeks? Did you know that you can travel to one of these countries and write it off as a business expense?
This doesn't include the emails I get from people in Israel, Egypt, Ukraine, South Africa, Denmark, Costa Rica, and Bucharest, for starters. I began putting this dream together about 1 month ago and look at the impact we've had in 4 weeks. We've reached out to almost the entire US and about 20 countries. Where will we be in 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year from now?
I get people calling me and sending me their application every day and the numbers will pick up dramatically when we start driving traffic to our business. The act of giving back with the pay it forward concept is what attracted many of you to this team.
We have a group of people who are unselfish and committed to helping each person succeed. I don't know anyone in network marketing who is willing to give back financially to this total team effort with the intentions of building it so everyone succeeds. These are just a few of the things that separate us and make us so different and unique. There will be people who I would have, I could have, and then there will be those who say I should have.
I ask people all the time, are you looking for a temporary fix to get yourself out of a situation that you're in, or are you looking for a lifestyle change so you won't find yourself searching once again for something 2 yrs, 5 yrs, or 10 yrs down the road.
The stock market here in the US has fallen nearly 1100 pts this week alone. People are losing their job, they're going to struggle to pay for heating oil this winter, and they're finding it hard to make their bills. The days of depending on the govt, or a corporation or a 401K plan to secure your future and your retirement are over. It's up to you to take control of your financial future, and with a team effort, we can do it.
Those of you who have changed your mind, or you've decided to sit back and watch what our team does, I can only wish you all the luck in the world, because I've said it once and I'll say it again. We aren't like other network marketing opportunities, and anyone who thinks we are, well they just don't know what kind of special people we have on our team!

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